Wowza Community

How to increase the streaming speed


I have successfully installed the “S3FS Fuse-based file system” by following steps.

  1. Open SSH connection to the instance, then create a new directory:


Answer: I have created the new directory by above step

  1. Then mount an S3 bucket like this:

/usr/bin/s3fs your.S3.Bucket -o accessKeyId=yourAccessKey -o secretAccessKey=yourSecretAccessKey -o default_acl=public-read /mnt/s3

Answer: I have mounted the S3 bucket by above step.

3)Now modify a Wowza application that records video, change Application.xml /Streams /StorageDir to:


Answer: I have changed the




in home/wowza/conf/Application.xml, home/wowza/conf/live/Application.xml, home/wowza/conf/vods3/Application.xml

Now i can able to see the my video files(which is s3 bucket) in local wowza server(/mnt/s3). All files are showing in mnt/s3 directory.

I have pasted my embeded code, please let me know, shall i need to change the streamer or file parameter due to “S3FS Fuse-based file system” installation.

<embed height=“349” width=“500” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” src=“player.swf” id=“mpl” name=“mpl” quality=“high” allowscriptaccess=“always” allowfullscreen=“true” wmode=“opaque”






Please let me know what all are changes need to get fast streaming while using wowza server. Is any other module available or any other parameter will add/update in embed code?

Note:It was streaming fast when we used the videos directly from s3 storage, but now it is very slow due to wowza streaming server.

You should only change the StorageDir in the application that records, in /conf/live/Application.xml.

Leave the /conf/Application.xml and /conf/vods3/Application.xml StorageDir unchanged.

Do you mean fast startup? What is the bit rate of the videos you are testing? If the item is not in cache it can be a little slower to start, especially if the bit rate is high.


s3fs probably won’t work very well to stream from. If you want to try it you can set up a Wowza application that uses “default” stream type and the Application.xml /StorageDir is set to the s3fs mount point. But this is not going to work with the vods3 application.

And the vods3 app is what you should be using to stream from, and it does not involve s3fs.

s3fs is good for recording to, but not streaming from.

Take a look at the Wowza EC2 for instructions on using vods3:


Hello Richard,

One More Doubt,

I have mounted the amazon s3 bucket into local wowza streaming server(/mnt/s3) by “S3FS Fuse-based file system”, but couldn’t able to find whether videos are streaming from amazon s3 bucket or mounted directory which is in wowza server.

My Embed code:

<embed height=“349” width=“500” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” src=“player.swf” id=“mpl” name=“mpl” quality=“high” allowscriptaccess=“always” allowfullscreen=“true” wmode=“opaque”

flashvars="streamer=rtmp:// t&image=images/NEWBREED.jpg&frontcolor=0xffffff&backcolor=0x00000 0&flashvars=foo=Hello&lightcolor=0xDB5131&logo=ima ges/action_videos.gif&bwfile





Please let me know what all are changes need to get streaming the videos from mounted directory(/mnt/s3) which is in local wowza streaming server.