Wowza Community

publishing stream using "live", "record", "append"

Hi there,

We currently have an FMS and Red5 app that uses the client-side netstream.publish command to tell the server if we want to record the stream or not. We just recently started playing around with Wowza, and it seems that Wowza doesn’t listen to the “howToPublish” parameter, but it depends on the “StreamType” setting in the Application.xml file to determine whether or not to record the stream.

Is it possible to have Wowza record the stream based on the “howToPublish” parameter, so that a stream is recorded based on the client-side app logic?

Thank you,


The “howToPublish” parameter of NetStream.publish command does not work.

But you can do it client-side by changing the StreamType from the client like this:"setStreamType",null, "record"); // or "live-record"
// then create new NetStream object with the NetConnection object
var netstream:NetStream = new NetStream(netconnection);

“append” does have meaning however. If you do not use the “append” flag, subsequent publish commands with the same stream name will cause earlier versions to be versioned:

myStream.flv will be the most recent.

myStream_0.flv will be the previous recording.

myStream_1.flv etc.

If you do it like this myStream.flv will be appended instead:



It’s a different approach. It allows for specialized streaming. There is no plan to change it that I know of.


Thank you for the quick reply Richard. Unfortunately, our publisher is a home grown application, where its not so easy to add that type of code to it. Granted, for Flash Apps this would be a piece of cake, but it may also break compatibility with FMS or Red5.

Just curious, why was this implemented this way? Any plans to make it more compatible with FMS/Red5?