Wowza Community

How to stream MP4 & FLV Videos

Hello everyone:

how are you?

I am a new to Wowza Media Server 2.0 user, can you help me?

If I have the FLV and MP4 videos, I would like to know the process and procedures for streaming these videos on Linux platform.

Our website is currently running on Liferay/Tomcat, at the moment the users can play videos off from the same server which is running on Liferay/Tomcat. As our video (flv, mov, mp4), the size is getting larger, sometimes it takes a long time to load from our website. I believe Wowza might resolve most of our video performance issue by streaming it, but I do not know how.

I have browsed through this forum but unable to find a process and procedure how to do it.

Thank you in advance and appreciate your support,


You can start with video on demand section in the Quickstart guide, and use the Wowza example player SimpleVideoStreaming.

See the Quickstart guide:

And the use this player to start:


If your video has a .mov extension. then play “”

Look at your access and error logs in the /logs folder for more info.

You don’t play “http://[wowza-address]:1935/vod/mp4:Extremists.m4v”, you connect to the vod application and play “mp4:Extremist.m4v”, as you have done.


Yes, a Wowza vod application to handle streaming. You can use JW Player to play video.


I’ve not heard of this system before. But JW player is a swf served from web server through an html page object/embed tag. So, it can work, I am sure. I do not know if this system has done any high-level integration specifically for JW player or other player that support rtmp streaming. You will have to look at their docs or ask their support.



Thank you. I tried that and able to get the video to play (mp4:Extremists.m4v) on the Wowza media player. Then I copied my videos (flv, mov) to /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer-2.1.1/content or /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/content, and change the mp4:Extremists.m4v to mp4:Gramig_B30.mp4, it does not appear to my my video.

Another question is our website is currently using the URL for the video link, and we are not using any flash video play to view the video, how do I know the actual URL link for the video? If I am using http://[wowza-address]:1935/vod/mp4:Extremists.m4v from the web browser, it does not appear to work.

Thank you so much



Sorry I am lacking of this Wowza product. In order to stream the video and play it on our website, do we need to integrate VOD application into our website in order to play it?

Thanks & Regards,


Thank you so much for helping me.

If I am using Liferay Portal 5.2.3 bundle with Tomcat, does it work with Liferay portal? Can it be integrated with Liferay Portal?

Currently, we have a website in production, for every portlet we designed is running Liferay and Java.

Thanks & Regards,
