Wowza Community

Streaming a Tricaster rtmp push to multicast mpegts amino

I am having problems streaming a tricaster rtmp push stream to the Wowza server (2.2.4) and re streaming as a multicast mpegts stream to amino A130 set top box. The streams get to amino with a lot of errors. The stream bandwidth is 523K but the in a network analyzer it says it is 5m. It also stops and starts streaming be cause of error. I have tried the solutions on the forums to solve the problem, but helps.

Can you please help me.



Do I need to start a stream on the Application with the stream name in the multicastmap.txt file to do udp mpegts multicast?



Not sure if this will help, but if Wowza is sending the multi-cast stream out on the wrong network interface, see if this post helps you control the interface that is used:


You can set the ttl in the multicastmap.txt file:



There is a problem with TTL values propogating properly. Install this patch to fix it:


Awesome. Happy to hear it is working.



Yes you do.


With this package, you either publish a live stream, or start MediaCaster stream, or start a Stream class stream.

With Tricaster, I think you would be doing the first option.


Which part is not working, publishing from Tricaster, or multicast output from Wowza?


In either case, compare access and error logs on working vs non-working. Anything jump out?


Is the new Windows machine on the same network as the working server?

So you are seeing video and hearing audio in player now, but just not well? What player, VLC?

Is Tricaster publishing or are you staring stream with StreamManager?

Is there still doubt about the bitrate of the stream?

Have you tried to play it back in Wowza LiveVideoStreaming example Flash player over rtmp?

Zip up and send conf and logs folders to Include screen shot(s) of tricaster settings, and include a link to this forum post for reference.


Did you get my response to ticket? Try making the LiveStreamingPacketizers empty so you don’t hit license limit, or get eval license.



Yes, remove the packetizers from the Application.xml /LiveStreamPacketizers.

As far as I know, multicast streaming is not subject to limits of the developer license, but if you take make the change I suggest, and you still see that message in this message in the logs:

WARN server comment - Licensing: *** Hit license limit for stream. Stream is stopped. ***

Then you need to get the eval license for testing

The ticket was #13066. It’s probably caught in your spam filter.


We zipped the all the Wowza server files, moved the files at the client site and copied the local files on vm test system to the client site and it did not work

How much did you zip and move? Can you detail the steps you took to do that? Were custom jar files include?


So you have Tricaster working at least in dev now, is that right?



No attachment on the ticket as far as I know.

I just sent a new response from that ticket. See if it turns up in in-box or spam folder



You should Install latest version of Wowza and Java in dev, then install same on production. Configure development, then configure production. You might copy one or two files that were added in development that you know would be safe, like an Application.xml. But don’t do the wholesale copy/paste that you describe. I would re-install the production server that you copied over.


I’m not clear on your current problem. Seems there have been two. Publishing multicast, and migration from dev to production. Help me keep it sorted because there are many tickets.

Regarding Tricast and multicast. First have you tested RTMP stream from Tricast using LiveVideoStreaming player? And have you tried the mulitcast output by playing it VLC from the same machine that Wowza is installed on?


hi Carl,

Not sure about that. I have tested the multicast addon a couple of times, following the basic instructions and testing playback in VLC on the same machine as Wowza, because multicast has to be enabled in your LAN to work and I don’t know what that entails. Multicast does not work on the internet.


I have the triacaster working on the test network with the suggestions you gave me. However, on the customers tricaster it is not working with same setup. The only difference is is deployed on Windows 64 bit 2008 machine with 64 bit Java vm. Is there any issues with multicast udp on with Wowza with this configuration?

