Wowza Community

VLC streaming problem


I’m having troubles transferring video from my Wowza server to a remote computer on it’s LAN network through VLC. My setup looks like this: My company’s module that encodes and decodes to the Wowza Server to my computer. All three are on the same LAN network, and all IP’s are static, but I’m having troubles getting the video to my computer. How do I go about this? In VLC, I’m going to Media>Open Network Stream>udp://@192.168.x.x:1935 and nothing ever shows up. I have port 1935 open and I’ve even turned my firewall off. I’ve used tcp protocol too, and I’m not getting anything. Any suggestions?

In VLC usually play rtsp url:


Your Application.xml /RTP /AuthenticationMethod should be changed from “digest” to “none”


To add to what Richard said, you can play rtsp using the VOD example:

Or you can use the RTPPusher package to have Wowza provide an RTP or UDP stream: