Wowza Community

WARN server comment -[1]: ...HELP

Final edit again:

I’m retesting everything now. I’ve started with the notion that it must be something I messed up in Wowza because I don’t know how to use it well, but it might be just down to flash player version.

I’ll repost as soon as I figure it out…

Well, I figured it out:

A weird version of flashplayer was in Chrome and Opera browsers. I installed the latest and it works: is ok and is the latest is ok and this is what Google Chrome installed automatically, since it does the fp updates withing its own updates.

BUT, I still set the buffer at 0

If the buffer is over 0, videos don’t play.

I tried it with 0.1, 1 and 3.

The older version was 11.1… something. It seems that it was refusing to take in the html object flashvars, so the wowza server was probably hitting a 404 type error.

If anyone needs older versions:

Final edit: I installed an older version of Flash Player from

and now it works.

Now I have to complain to adobe about this… or what??

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="477" height="425"><param name="movie" value="player.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="FlashVars" value="titluri=TITLE,mp4:file.mp4,rtmp://localhost/streaming,3,preview.jpg" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="player.swf" width="477" height="425" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="titluri=TITLE,mp4:file.mp4,rtmp://localhost/streaming,3,preview.jpg" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

how the !@(#&* is the new player interacting with the flashvars ?

Edit: I think it might be related to permissions, but I don’t know where to chmod what.

Edit: I uncommented the first parts of the log script so now there are no log4 errors

It’s should play a mp4 video

I have no idea what this means, but the video is not playing in the web interface. I see the error appearing when click the play button on the player.

Also, I’m using Putty for this, and I’m not sure how to keep the server going (it seems to stop when I type another command in bash).

Version: 1.7.2 - I know it’s old, but I have no idea how to upgrade or back it up and make sure it keeps working:confused:

Full paste:

App name: “streaming” (on demand)

Video dir: /arhivafilme (partition)

streaming1:/usr/local/WowzaMediaServerPro/bin# ./
Configure logging: file:///usr/local/WowzaMediaServerPro/conf/
INFO server server-start Wowza Media Server Pro Unlimited 1.7.2 build12107 -
INFO server comment - Serial number: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XVAF7
INFO server comment - Maximum connections: Unlimited
INFO server comment - Hardware Available Processors: 4
INFO server comment - Hardware Physical Memory: 978MB/2026MB
INFO server comment - Hardware Swap Space: 1906MB/1906MB
INFO server comment - Max File Descriptor Count: 1024
INFO server comment - Open File Descriptor Count: 10
INFO server comment - OS Name: Linux
INFO server comment - OS Version: 2.6.18-6-686
INFO server comment - OS Architecture: i386
INFO server comment - Java Name: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
INFO server comment - Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
INFO server comment - Java Version: 1.5.0_14
INFO server comment - Java VM Version: 1.5.0_14-b03
INFO server comment - Java Spec Version: 1.5
INFO server comment - Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
INFO server comment - Java Max Heap Size: 739MB
INFO server comment - Java Architecture: 32
INFO server comment - CMDInterface now listening: [any]:8083
INFO server comment - vhost home directory: /usr/local/WowzaMediaServerPro
INFO vhost vhost-start _defaultVHost_ -
INFO vhost comment _defaultVHost_ RTMP/RTMPT bind attempt ([any]:1935)
INFO vhost comment _defaultVHost_ Bind successful ([any]:1935)
INFO application app-start _definst_ streaming/_definst_
INFO session connect-pending MYIP -
INFO session connect MYIP -
INFO stream create - -
INFO stream pause - -
WARN server comment -[1]: /arhivafilme (Is a directory)
INFO vhost vhost-stop _defaultVHost_ -
INFO stream destroy - -
INFO session disconnect 2013948417 -
INFO application app-stop _definst_ streaming/_definst_
INFO server server-stop - 

Application.xml for “streaming” app

I am hesitant to point you to any tutorials since your version is so old. You wouldn’t want to use the Application.xml contained in the tutorials. Yours is probably different.

You can post your Application.xml located at [Wowza-DIR] /conf/streaming/Application.xml. And you can also post your stream URI that you are trying to play. Then we’ll know what’s happening.

  1. You want to make sure your Application.xml StorageDir property points to the correct location of where your videos are located.

  2. You want to make sure you’re playing the VOD stream correctly.

I recommend getting a current Wowza trial or development license and installing Wowza on a different computer. Then start figuring it out by following the VOD tutorial:

Feel free to describe your setup or what you’re trying to do, and maybe someone can offer more suggestions.

Something must have changed in the player you are using, where you set rtmp url and steam name.


There does seem to be problems with 11.2. We’re looking at it, but I’m not sure what the time frame will be for a fix.


The server has been running since 2007. It’s only in the past days that streaming VOD has stopped working or had weird glitches. I wish I could know more, but I disabled logging because the logs simply flooded the hard drive.

The app is called “streaming”

The severs seems to start fine… until I try to play something via web flash player

INFO application app-start definst streaming/definst

INFO session connect-pending x.24.23.88 -

INFO session connect x.24.23.88 -

INFO stream create - -

INFO stream pause - -

WARN server comment -[1]: /arhivafilme (Is a directory)

Nothing happens video-wise and this error appears in the log.

The conf/streaming/Application

sorry, I don’t know how to paste text from the reader in Putty

The swf player has not changed, and neither has the source code of the site. The is still the same. Still, maybe the new Flash Player has something to do with it…

Still, the error with “MediaHeader”… seems very internal

CHECK 1st post

The error is “File not Found”. Which is a Java error. Nothing to do with Flash. You can test this by playing the sample.mp4 file using RTSP in another player such as VLC. See the “Playback” section in the VOD tutorial:

You mentioned in the other thread that you are able to play the videos when setting the buffer time to 0:

Does this mean you’ve fixed the File not Found error?