Wowza Community

Java RTMP client?

Is it possible to write a (simple) RTMP client in Java, possibly using just Wowza Server apis?



No, the RTMP layer of our API is not exposed.


How may I call a simple HelloWorld Wowza module from a Java Client instead of a Flex Client?

Please, tell me one tip.


You should be able to use the Red5 client support to connect to Wowza Pro. It should just work.


I am going to assume this is the same web service question you asked somewhere else.


Can you please describe in detail what you are trying to do.


You need to create an application folder named mymodules here:



That is the server-side of the example, the source for a Wowza application module.


As far as I know, you need a Flash client. If there are other options, I don’t know what or how.




did you get the red5 RTMP client working with wowza. i’m getting a “ERROR server comment - handleResult: can’t find resultObj: 0” Error message just by using a simple RTMP connect command.



i just want a proof that the red5 java RTMP client works with wowza. for that reason i try to make the simple serverside wowza application “MyFirstModule” running with the java RTMP client but in vain.

i even can’t connect to the wowza application, getting the message:

INFO session connect -

ERROR server comment - HandleResult: can#t fine resultObject: 0

but i do not know if it is a problem of incompatibility or because of my poor java skills.

MyCallback callback = new MyCallback();
RTMPClient client = new RTMPClient();
client.connect("localhost", 1935, "mymodules", callback);


really no idea?

i get the following response from wowza:

{clientid=1070450058, level=error, description=Connection failed: Application folder ([install-location]/applications/) is missing., code=NetConnection.Connect.Rejected}


this folder definitely exists otherwise i think wowza would claim:

Application folder ([install-location]/applications/mymodules) is missing

i guess it’s more a matter of the parameter transmission from the red5 RTMP client to wowza which is not recognitzed correctly. i read on the red5 email list that several people have the same prob and that they got the red5 RTMP client with FMS running…


Yes Charlie, It was the same question, but now I know how to do it with WebServices. Thanks a lot.

Red5 has RMTP client support in Java - can I perhaps use their clientside connection methods or are your protocols incompatible? I’m reluctant to give up on using Wowza on my project…


Thanks Charlie, I’ll give it a try!


This blogpost should be useful. It describes a RTMP client which saves the streaming video to the disk.

Hello amirguterman85,

I feel that you should be able to get one of your Java rtmp clients working with Wowza. Maybe that’s something you should try troubleshooting.

The flourinefx website even mentions Wowza in its features:

Another way to do it? Use Chrome and the HTML 5 filewriter API to write to a file. Then use Java to poll that file for changes, or better yet, make the file a named pipe and monitor it. Then write to your serial port from Java. But that seems weird. People usually don’t use web browsers to watch videos to write values to serial ports.

Why do you need to play the RTMP stream to get the shared object?

If you just want to interact with Wowza you can use HTTPProvider or a web service.

I don’t know exactly what you’re trying to do or why it needs to be real time. Web services, the Wowza HTTPprovider, and the Shared Object method are the usual ways to do client-server communication with Wowza. Web Services use HTTP, XML. But, if you need low latency you could just open a tcp socket from a Wowza module.