Wowza Community

What happens when server overloaded?

Hi I’ve heard from you guys that the maximum capacity of a small instance is around 150mbps. What happens if there are too may requests on a server?

ex if the server is serving 150mbps of video and then all of a sudden there’s an extra 100 requests for another 50mbps?

Would the servers:

  1. Reject the incoming connections (ruining it for the new people), preserving the bandwidth/quality of the existing connections?


  1. Allow them in but then reduce the streaming bandwidth for ALL connections and thus ruining the experience for all users?

or something else???



It will do #2. It will only ruin it for others if there truely is not enough bandwidth to handle the extra load. You can certainly have it do the first option by limiting the number of connections to the server. This can be done by setting a hard connection limit in /usr/local/WowzaMediaServerPro/conf/VHosts.xml.

I do like the wording of this post.


You will get “NetConnection.Connect.Rejected” notification and message “(Connection failed: Over license connection limit.)”

Then you will get “NetConnection.Connect.Closed”

You can see it in the NetConnection NetStatusEvent handler.


Do you want to change what the server sends or what the client displays?

If you just want to change what the client displays you can look for that notification in the NetConnection NetStatusEvent handler, and display whatever you want.

Server-side, you can send your own notifications in the onConnect handler:

sendClientOnStatusError(client, "NetConnection.Connect.MyReject", "Custom Reject");



Which is the server message response to the client when the server catch up the limit set on VHosts.xml

Could you please help me?



thanks in advance for you answer

Can I customize this message?



I will try to develop it.