Wowza Community

How to Using Multicast vie RTSP using PushPublish modular


I configured pushpublish modular to restream a wowza stream to other CDN systems.

I’ve successed configuring a MPEGTS vie udp multicast stream, using this setting in PushPublishMap.txt:{profile:“mpegts”, streamName:“”, host:“”, port:10000, rtpWrap:false}

And I can play in VLC using udp://@ . It is a multicast stream.

I’ve failed to configure a native RTSP stream using multicast stream.

Setting in PushPublishMap.txt is:{profile:“rtp”, streamName:“myStreamRTP”, host:“”, videoPort:10002, audioPort:10004}.

The 100.steam is correct and can be played using this address:rtsp://IP:1935/dvr/definst/ .

There is a SDP file generated in forlder applications\dvr\sdp named 100.stream_destination.sdp. And VLC can play this SDP file.

But VLC cannot play any address like this:


How can I play a rtsp stream using multicast?

Best regards.


Can you try playing back the stream using this URL?




Can you try playing back the stream using this URL?



Hi Zoran:

Thank you for your reply.

I’ve tried to playback this url using VLC, I received this error.

Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://'. Check the log for details.

And the log in wowza is :

INFO rtsp connect 25278661 -
INFO stream create - -
INFO stream unpublish - -
INFO stream destroy - -
INFO rtsp disconnect 25278661 -