Wowza Community

Datachannel can not be used with wowza webRTC


I am planning to implement video chat with wowza webRTC

I want to send text data at that time, I will try to use the webRTC function datachannel, but I can not implement it

Wowza uses version 4.6. Browser uses chrome version 56.0

Hello @aaa aaa

We currently have a backlog request to add datachannels to WebRTC Preview. Please note there’s not a timetable set or guarantees of addition yet.



Thank you for your reply.

So is that impossible to implement communication with datachannel?

Also, if you can not do something impossible, thank you very much for giving me an alternative plan.

Hello @aaa aaa

It might be possible doing with custom work on creating your own websocket or another socket connection to be able to use datachannels.

Please checkout the

channel and do discuss with other Wowza customer’s that might of setup datachannels with WebRTC Preview.

The channel is #webrtc



Thank you for your reply.

If data exchanges via webSocket, is it possible to share data and communicate data with instances of ModuleBase?

There is another socket, but how can it be specifically implemented Could you please teach me?