Wowza Community

Hash with client IP - problem

Hi. I have WowzaStreamingEngine-4.2.0. I have application using securetoken2 with option “Include client IP address in hash generation”. I’m observing problem with ip address contains 2 digits (ex. Then I get error

HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist[live/mp4:myStream/playlist.m3u8?wowzatokenendtime=1490709720&wowzatokenstarttime=1490698920&wowzatokenhash=K93Wlv8C8RikCJAnq8ItjNMOpWqa_rxqftmcxubVHws=]: Session not accepted[1071131671]

On address wher every parts has 3 digits ( the problem is no exist.

This is my code:

$wowzastart = strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i')); 
$wowzaend = strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i')) +  10800; 
$secret = '****'; 
$wowzatokenprefix = 'wowzatoken'; 

$hashstr = hash('sha256', 'live/mp4:myStream?'.$ip.'&'.$secret.'&'.$wowzatokenprefix.'endtime='.$wowzaend.'&'.$wowzatokenprefix.'starttime='.$wowzastart.'', true); 

$usableHash= strtr(base64_encode($hashstr), '+/', '-_'); 

$url = "".$wowzatokenprefix."endtime=".$wowzaend."&".$wowzatokenprefix."starttime=".$wowzastart."&".$wowzatokenprefix."hash=".$usableHash.""; 

It seems to be a problem with wowza.

Anyone can help me? What should I do?


Thanks for contacting the Wowza Community!

If you take your custom code out the picture, do you see the issue with 2 digits instead of 3 digits?



Yes, I think so. IP is the only difference. I don’t know why that is, but i think it’s a problem in wowza server.

p.s. On address where first part has 3 digits ( the problem is no exist - on my ip ewerything working fine.

i’m facing the same issue here, any update ?

@Paweł Andrzejczak Change Hash Algorithm to SHA-512 .

But I also have a problem, when client use Ipv6 , that stream not working.

Wowza Streaming Engine supports IPv6; however, the computer that runs software must also support IPV6, and Java JDK 1.7 (or later) is required.

Let me know if that fixes things- thanks.

eg : when I access my stream with Ipv4 :


but with Ipv6 ( eg I use japan proxy - eg


stream link not working