Wowza Community

Need Consulting on Load Balancing Incoming RTMP Connections

All of the documentation on Wowza is related to load balancing player views, so outbound plays. However, I need to load balance smartly my incoming RTMP connections. I am seeing incoming traffic exceed 500 mbps and outgoing traffic exceed 1.3 gbps. This is leading to some performance degradation. I have a plan in place to work a geographic type of load balancing managed mainly through DNS entries. However, I would like a smarter load balancer that can stick connections to specific servers, bring in new servers, stop new connections to a server but still serve the existing connections and let that server drain to 0.

Absent a smart load balancer, NGINX? HAProxy? ???, I am left with breaking it down into geo regions.



Hi @Bob Bohanek. I’m just wrapping up a similar project; I’ll be happy to discuss the case and see how we can build a scalable solution for you too. You may contact me on

Hi Karel;

Can you please advice me the follow: - How to configure the wowza load balance by ISP? I’d like to set some load balancing server for an ISP. So all the user using internet from that ISP will be redirected to that LB. - How to configure the wowza load balancing serever to reach the limit then redirect to another LB? I’d like to have all the connections to a specific LB to reach the maximum limit before redirect to another LB.