Wowza Community

how to set to request url encoding type from wowza edge to origin server?


I’m try to connect ( IIS origin - Wowza Edge(Mediacache) - VLC player ) by url encoded streaming name.

and mediacache source set property by “urlDecodedStreamName is false”

access address is like this:



but, when edge access to origin, that are different result in access.log.

rtmp is worked correctly. log showed by url encoded origin point like this:

Part of access.log : MediaCacheHTTPByteReader.getHeadCommand[ http://origindomain…com:80/published_point/%EB%B9%85%EB%B2%84%EB%8B%88.mp4]

but, rtsp, http isn’t working. it returned 404 not found. it didn’t shown by url encoded address at log file.

Part of access.log : MediaCacheItemHTTPImpl.getItemInfo[빅버니.mp4]

Can I set url encoding of stream name that access to origin server ?

Why each protocol showed different result ?