Wowza Community

HLS packetizer on Wowza edge - streams do not autostart


We are running Wowza server with LiveEdge application, and non-wowza origin. Edge application get streams from origin via rtmp protocol.

There are lots of streams, so this is critical for the application to start them on demand only, and stop once all viewers are gone. We cant just start them with MediaCaster and keep them all running.

As origin is not a Wowza, we had to change cupertinostreamingrepeater to cupertinostreamingpacketizer on LiveEdge. For the streams that were already triggered by a client connected by rtmp, HLS work fine.

But if stream was currently stoped, connection to LiveEdge by HLS does not trigger it to start.

We need one of the following:

either some guideline on how to make LiveEdge work with a non-wowza origin with cupertinostreamingrepeater (HLS is actually available on origin) or how to make LiveEdge start the stream from origin on HLS client connection (we realize it will cause few seconds delay for the first stream client while HLS is packetized on Edge).

Many thanks, Alex.

Hi Alex,

Unfortunately, due to the inherent technology in HTTP streaming, it is not possible to dynamically start up the packetizers and serve them only when a player requests them. This is possible with rtmp streams using the rtp-live stream type. With HTTP streaming, however, a minimum number of chunks would need to be created by the packetizer to provide the player with enough segments to play. This means that you would need to start up the streams prior to the initial request for the chunklist.
