Wowza Community

Startup package: Restart Wowza

We have a simple startup package that downloads the s3 plugin for Wowza and runs the default tuning script before exiting. Wowza is running, but it’s very choppy. If I restart Wowza, the stream is fine and runs very smooth.

So all I’d like to do is restart Wowza as the last thing in a startup package. I added a in a /scripts directory in the startup package that includes “service WowzaStreamingEngine restart” (also included a version that has “sudo su” in the line before that).

On both, when I check on Wowza, it’s stopped. I have to login and restart manually, which is problematic for our automation.

Is there a way I restart Wowza via startup package reliably?


Thanks for contacting the Wowza Community

Can you confirm you are using the proper command:

