Wowza Community

Wowza streaming engine 4.7 , stops working after 1 year fine

Good day, I have a weird problem at my WSE installation

Server Specs


1Gbit uplink port

Average connections 5000-6500 ( from a year not a single problem or buffer at this wse installation )

WSE is today the same as first day after ws installation, not a single one modification.

Well, 36 hours ago, WSE stopped, I restarted, after 4 hours, WSE stopped again. and here we are, I have to restart WSE each 2-4 hours.

Some relevant info:

Performance Tuning

OS Architecture



Total: 62.66 GB
Available: 55.50 GB

Processor Cores


Java Version


Java Bitness


Java Settings

Java Heap Size

Production level10000 MB

Java Garbage Collection Settings

G1 (Garbage First) collector (recommended)-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100

Server Thread Pools

Handler Thread Pool Size

Set automatically to: 600


Transport Thread Pool Size

Set automatically to: 400


Virtual Host Processors

Net Connections Processor Count

Set automatically to: 32


Media Caster Processor Count

Set automatically to: 32


Idle Worker Count

Set automatically to: 24


Unicast Incoming Processor Count

Set automatically to: 24


Unicast Outgoing Processor Count

Set automatically to: 24


Multicast Incoming Processor Count

Set automatically to: 24


Multicast Outgoing Processor Count

Set automatically to: 24


Client Idle Frequency

1000(original 500)


RTP Idle Frequency



I was present when WSE process just disappeared from my ssh console.

I had several WSE installation at past , I started using version 3.

What I saw at past was :

Values CPU and MEM began to increase and when hit some limit, WSE(java) hanged out or Stopped.

Well, this is a different situation. WSE is not even close to normal limits, I mean, is using close to nothing , Just stop to work after a 2 hours period aprox.

Thanks in advance for any help or idea about how to deal with this situation

@eduardo espinoza suarez see if there’s anything in the Wowza logs :slight_smile:

Were you able to fix this problem? I have a similar issue and need to restart every couple of hours.

Im using latest WSE version and I didnt notice any problem, so I coud say that problem was solved.

It started with version 4.7.4 here. I just upgraded to 4.7.5 a few minutes ago. Will see if that changes anything.

To be more accurated:, My current WSE instalation is e 4.7.4 which fix

4.7.3 build21257.