Wowza Community

live streaming not working oon HTML5

using the wowza player and a live streaming service but it doesnt work on my firefox or chrome:

also a simple html5 player

also is not working, what am I doing wrong?


@Paul Santos

Two different reasons: on the first page you’re trying to load a stream URL that is url-encoded, thus slashes, colons, etc. are replaced with url-safe characters. On the second page, you have a mixed content issue. You can spot both issues by using the Developer Tools in Chrome.

Another tip if you place MP4 files or Live streams in subfolders: specify the application instance in the URL.

thank you Karel for helping out, on the first page I used the exact code supplied by

Use the following code examples to embed Wowza Player in your webpage.

  1. JS Includes (place in the HEAD section)
  1. Create an HTML element to contain your video (place in the BODY section)
  1. Embed the Wowza Player (place after the HTML code from #2)

shall I replace the sourceURL with the simple http url?

Okay, I got the wowza player working. thank you

it works here

with https it doesn’t work:

simple video html5 still doesnt work, with or without https:

any ideas?