Wowza Community

Wowza Streaming Engine with Cloudfront: monitoring is correct but still get access log from Cloudfront

Dear All,

I am newbie on WSE and I don’t understand how Wowza Streaming Engine works with its log.

I only use VOD for streaming via Cloudfront to prevent high load for my Wowza Streaming Engine Server.

I followed this guide and everything works fine. I use cloudfront URL like

And when I test this URL, in vodhttporigin Monitoring there is no connection when I play it from my PC.

But I found a weird thing in server log. Everytime I connect from my PC (after deleting cache from Chrome). I see access log from Cloudfront.

x-ctx: video.m4v,x-vhost: defaultVHost,x-app: vodhttporigin**,x-appinst**: definst,x-duration: 0.47,s-ip:,s-port: 80,s-uri:,c-ip:,c-proto: http (cupertino),c-user-agent: Amazon CloudFront,c-client-id: 415447746,cs-bytes: 0,sc-bytes: 1289,x-stream-id: 1,x-spos: 0,cs-stream-bytes: 0,sc-stream-bytes: 0,x-sname: video.m4v,x-file-name: video.m4v,x-file-ext: m4v,x-file-size: 1353275,x-file-length: 21.184,x-suri:,x-suri-stem:,cs-uri-stem:

I wonder if I have set it up wrong? So this mean Cloudfront still connect to my server to get data?

Could you please explain me?

Thank you.


After checking Cloudfront Log, I see that only media_xxxx_0.ts files are cached on Cloudfront.

Other files such as playlist.m3u8 or chunklist.m3u8 are missed.

Could you please tell me how to configure Wowza so that Cloudfront can cache all files?

Thank you.

I have modified cupertinoCacheControlPlaylist and now there is no connection go to my WSE server directly.

Thank you.