Wowza Community

Closed Captioning Comment

I use Wowza Streaming Cloud with Closed Captioning utilizing an RTMP encoder. At first, I had high difficulty in getting it to work reliably. I found that the best way to stream Closed Captioning to Wowza Streaming Cloud is to purchase an instance of the on-premise Wowza Streaming Engine. Convert the RTMP feed into HLS in the on-premise Wowza Streaming Engine. In the Wowza Streaming Cloud, select Wowza Streaming Engine as Encoder/Camera.

If you are using “OnTextData” CC with RTMP, any network jitter/packet-loss will garble your CC. Replace the UDP-based RTMP with TCP-based HLS and it will likely solve this issue.

Hey Stephen,

Thank you for sharing your workflow experience with the community. Obviously, the source and captioning do make a difference in a direct push into Wowza Cloud.

We do appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with the community.

