Wowza Community

wowza + live + ffmpeg + hls player, how to create the playlist.m3u8?

I’m trying to setup a wowza live test server and then I can play hls from my mobile app. It do work without any problem for vod. I can play it in my app. I can also see the .m3p8 file if I enter this uri in the browser. I tried to do the same in live mode (my goal is to test some streaming parameters for live streaming). I tried to use ffmpeg to create the live stream:

ffmpeg -re -i “myInputTestVideo.mp4” -vcodec libx264 -vb 150000 -g 60 -vprofile baseline -level 2.1 -acodec aac -ab 64000 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -strict experimental -f mpegts udp://

I created a “source file” and connected it to the “Incoming Streams”. I can see in my application’s Monitoring / Network tab that it do getting the data from ffmpeg.

My problem is how to get the playlist.m3p8 file so I can play it from inside my app (hls based)?

Again, for now I need a way to test playing with the streaming settings and in real live I’ll have a real live streaming source.

The solution is to change the output of ffmpeg to:

-f rtsp rtsp://