Wowza Community

WOWZA no audio streamming

Dear Support

I faced the problem after our transcoder device send the streaming MP4 with ACC to restream at wowza. The audio lost after restreaming at wowza.

VLC player display everyting is working fine and also no logging problem in WOWZA.

Best Regards



If you add cupertinostreamingpacketizer to the LiveStreamPacketizers in your Application.xml as follows:


then your logs will report the Codec information in detail, you may be able to see what’s going on if this information is available,

You should see something similar to this logged information:

LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.handlePacket[live/_definst_/myStream][mp4a.40.2]: AAC Audio info: {AACFrame: codec:AAC, channels:2, frequency:44100, samplesPerFrame:1024, objectType:LC}

If you post what you see in your logs related to this it might help to see what’s going on.

Best regards,
