Wowza Community

Live Streaming from IP Camera to HLS protocol

Hi there,

I’m having some trouble to configure wowza to perform an IP camera streaming live to the HLS protocol for use on Apple devices.

Basically, my setup has 2 applications, with the names “live” and “ios” .

The application called “live” should perform the RTMP streaming to Web-ased devices with flash player.

The application called “ios” should perform the streaming to Apple devices using HLS protocol.

The reason for having two separate applications is that not all cameras configured on this server will need the Cupertino support enabled,

so it is more practical to keep the RTMP application as type “rtp-live” to not need to publish their .streams files.

The “ios” application is type “live” and only the cameras that need support Cupertino must have published the stream via StreamManager when needed .

Both applications use the same folder "content " to look for the files .stream file sources of IP cameras.

The problem is that the RTMP application works fine All .stream files created in the /content/ folder are accessed seamlessly through the url rtmp://:1935/live/

However, after publishing the same file in the another application called “ios” , can not access the stream through http://: 1935/ios/

Checking files for Wowza log, the following error appears:

WARN    server  comment 2014-01-02      14:23:47        -       -       -       -       -       0.228   -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist: Stream not found [ios/_definst_/]:
WARN    server  comment 2014-01-02      14:23:48        -       -       -       -       -       0.488   -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist: Stream not found [ios/_definst_/]:
WARN    server  comment 2014-01-02      14:23:48        -       -       -       -       -       0.571   -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist: Stream not found [ios/_definst_/]:
WARN    server  comment 2014-01-02      14:23:48        -       -       -       -       -       0.619   -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist: Stream not found [ios/_definst_/]:

I can download the file playlist.m3u8, and I can see this makes internal references to “chunklist.m3u8” but this apparently does not exist.

I’m using Wowza Media Server 3 Monthly Edition build6171 version on Amazon EC2 .

Here are the configuration files of both applications :


		<!-- Uncomment to set application level timeout values
			StorageDir path variables
			${com.wowza.wms.AppHome} - Application home directory
			${com.wowza.wms.ConfigHome} - Configuration home directory
			${com.wowza.wms.context.VHost} - Virtual host name
			${com.wowza.wms.context.VHostConfigHome} - Virtual host config directory
			${com.wowza.wms.context.Application} - Application name
			${com.wowza.wms.context.ApplicationInstance} - Application instance name
			<!-- LiveStreamPacketizers (separate with commas): cupertinostreamingpacketizer, smoothstreamingpacketizer, sanjosestreamingpacketizer, mpegdashstreamingpacketizer, cupertinostreamingrepeater, smoothstreamingrepeater, sanjosestreamingrepeater, dvrstreamingpacketizer, dvrstreamingrepeater -->
<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/Streams.xml for any streams types loaded by this application -->
			<!-- To turn on transcoder set to: transcoder -->
			<!-- [templatename].xml or ${SourceStreamName}.xml -->
			<!-- As a single server or as an origin, use dvrstreamingpacketizer in LiveStreamPacketizers above -->
			<!-- Or, in an origin-edge configuration, edges use dvrstreamingrepeater in LiveStreamPacketizers above -->
			<!-- As an origin, also add dvrchunkstreaming to HTTPStreamers below -->
			<!-- If this is a dvrstreamingrepeater, define Application/Repeater/OriginURL to point back to the origin -->
			<!-- To turn on DVR recording set Recorders to dvrrecorder.  This works with dvrstreamingpacketizer  -->
			<!-- As a single server or as an origin, set the Store to dvrfilestorage-->
			<!-- edges should have this empty -->
			<!--  Window Duration is length of live DVR window in seconds.  0 means the window is never trimmed. -->
			<!-- Storage Directory is top level location where dvr is stored.  e.g. c:/temp/dvr -->
			<!-- valid ArchiveStrategy values are append, version, delete -->
			<!-- Properties for DVR -->
			<!-- VOD caption providers (separate with commas): vodcaptionprovidermp4_3gpp, vodcaptionproviderttml, vodcaptionproviderwebvtt,  vodcaptionprovidersrt, vodcaptionproviderscc -->
			<!-- Properties for TimedText -->
		<!-- HTTPStreamers (separate with commas): cupertinostreaming, smoothstreaming, sanjosestreaming, mpegdashstreaming, dvrchunkstreaming -->
			<!-- RTP/Authentication/[type]Methods defined in Authentication.xml. Default setup includes; none, basic, digest -->
			<!-- RTP/AVSyncMethod. Valid values are: senderreport, systemclock, rtptimecode -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/RTP.xml for any depacketizers loaded by this application -->
					<!-- udp, interleave -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaCasters.xml for any MediaCasters loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaReaders.xml for any MediaReaders loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaWriter.xml for any MediaWriter loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/LiveStreamPacketizers.xml for any LiveStreamPacketizers loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/HTTPStreamers.xml for any HTTPStreamer loaded by this applications -->
				<Description>Client Logging</Description>
		<!-- Properties defined here will be added to the IApplication.getProperties() and IApplicationInstance.getProperties() collections -->

		<!-- Uncomment to set application level timeout values
			StorageDir path variables
			${com.wowza.wms.AppHome} - Application home directory
			${com.wowza.wms.ConfigHome} - Configuration home directory
			${com.wowza.wms.context.VHost} - Virtual host name
			${com.wowza.wms.context.VHostConfigHome} - Virtual host config directory
			${com.wowza.wms.context.Application} - Application name
			${com.wowza.wms.context.ApplicationInstance} - Application instance name
			<!-- LiveStreamPacketizers (separate with commas): cupertinostreamingpacketizer, smoothstreamingpacketizer, sanjosestreamingpacketizer, mpegdashstreamingpacketizer, cupertinostreamingrepeater, smoothstreamingrepeater, sanjosestreamingrepeater, dvrstreamingpacketizer, dvrstreamingrepeater -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/Streams.xml for any streams types loaded by this application -->
			<!-- To turn on transcoder set to: transcoder -->
			<!-- [templatename].xml or ${SourceStreamName}.xml -->
			<!-- As a single server or as an origin, use dvrstreamingpacketizer in LiveStreamPacketizers above -->
			<!-- Or, in an origin-edge configuration, edges use dvrstreamingrepeater in LiveStreamPacketizers above -->
			<!-- As an origin, also add dvrchunkstreaming to HTTPStreamers below -->
			<!-- If this is a dvrstreamingrepeater, define Application/Repeater/OriginURL to point back to the origin -->
			<!-- To turn on DVR recording set Recorders to dvrrecorder.  This works with dvrstreamingpacketizer  -->
			<!-- As a single server or as an origin, set the Store to dvrfilestorage-->
			<!-- edges should have this empty -->
			<!--  Window Duration is length of live DVR window in seconds.  0 means the window is never trimmed. -->
			<!-- Storage Directory is top level location where dvr is stored.  e.g. c:/temp/dvr -->
			<!-- valid ArchiveStrategy values are append, version, delete -->
			<!-- Properties for DVR -->
			<!-- VOD caption providers (separate with commas): vodcaptionprovidermp4_3gpp, vodcaptionproviderttml, vodcaptionproviderwebvtt,  vodcaptionprovidersrt, vodcaptionproviderscc -->
			<!-- Properties for TimedText -->
		<!-- HTTPStreamers (separate with commas): cupertinostreaming, smoothstreaming, sanjosestreaming, mpegdashstreaming, dvrchunkstreaming -->
			<!-- RTP/Authentication/[type]Methods defined in Authentication.xml. Default setup includes; none, basic, digest -->
			<!-- RTP/AVSyncMethod. Valid values are: senderreport, systemclock, rtptimecode -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/RTP.xml for any depacketizers loaded by this application -->
					<!-- udp, interleave -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaCasters.xml for any MediaCasters loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaReaders.xml for any MediaReaders loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaWriter.xml for any MediaWriter loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/LiveStreamPacketizers.xml for any LiveStreamPacketizers loaded by this applications -->
			<!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/HTTPStreamers.xml for any HTTPStreamer loaded by this applications -->
				<Description>Client Logging</Description>
		<!-- Properties defined here will be added to the IApplication.getProperties() and IApplicationInstance.getProperties() collections -->

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you

We can take a closer look. Focusing on what does not work, the “ios” application, do a short test and send us the results. First restart Wowza so we can see startup lines in the logs, then start one of the IP camera streams using a .stream file in StreamManager, then try to playback the cupertino stream in an iOS device, or you can test with VLC.

Then zip up the current access log and the whole /conf folder and send to Include a link to this thread for reference



Thanks for the update.


Thank You, Richard.

The process to test was done, and the e-mail sent.