Wowza Community

How to insert the ID3 tags to the .ts segment?

I want to insert ID3 tags to streams record, and after use it during VOD.

These articles from Wowza’s documentation pages may help you:

Thanks !

It works in live streaming. But can’t find metadata in my record for VoD.

My problem is that i can’t find my ID3 tags after convert live stream in VOD.

So, i think that after insert my ID3 tag during live streaming into the .ts segment, it stays here.And if i convert my live stream to VOD, i can always use it.

Hello @Mohamed KARAGA

This was worked on in a support ticket. The answer for all inquiring on this, if you have Live content converting to VOD with ID3 data, you’ll need to use the VOD ID3 conversion sample code here:

This is because Wowza only retains AMF data when creating VOD recordings and the AMF data will need to be converted to ID3 tags.



I used this command ffmpeg -i -codec copy -f mp4 -y out.mp4 to save output file but I can not find my metadata attached on out.mp4