Wowza Community

How do I enable API logging? (RequestLoggingFilter)


I’m using WSE (bundled with Cast-Control’s MediaCP product), and it is issuing API calls to manage services. In order to debug some stuff, I would like the management api, running on tcp port 8087, to log requests to an access log file.

It looks like the logging is configured in the config file **/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/conf/** and it looks like it’s all configured to log access requests to /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/logs/wmsmanager_access.log. That logfile says:

2019-05-0304:14:01CESTINFOcom.wowza.wms.server.ManagerConfigurationLoading configuration from /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/conf/Manager.xml: 
2019-05-0304:14:01CESTINFOcom.wowza.wms.webapp.RequestLoggingFilterRequestLoggingFilter disabled, no HTTP requests will be logged: 

And after that it is empty. I want to see those http requests!

So it looks like somehow by default the requestlogging is disabled, but I have no idea how to enable it. The Manager.xml contains some almost empty xml leaves, but nothing that looks like what I am looking for.

Who can help me out here?

Hi @Angelo Hongens thanks for reaching out. Here is the document that covers the basic options for enabling and disabling different logging fields, events, and categories. Scroll down to page 84 of the Engine User Guide for examples:

Here is an example @Angelo Hongens of you could make an API request to view logs:

Because the file is in a subfolder of the main logs folder, you will need to url encode the path to the file.


So the complete request url (minus the query params) would look like this,


@Rose Power, thank you for your answer! However, I am not looking for API access to log files, I am looking for log files for the API!

Everything you mention in the manual is in place, and api access logging is configured. However, in that access log it says some module (RequestLoggingFilter) is preventing further requests from being logged.

Oh sorry about that, I had it backwards. Ok, I’ll be right back- let me check with the engineers.

No news anyone?

Rose, did you happen to find a dev with some time to look into this? Thanks in advance!

Hello @Angelo Hongens, my sincere apologies for us dropping the ball on this. I had asked tech support for an answer and it didn’t happen obviously. Truly sorry to leave you waiting!

I followed up and the answer I was given by our engineer is:

in the Server.xml in the REST section, then properties add


it will then log each time a REST call is made.

Does this help you?