Wowza Community

Bitcode support in wowza go coder sdk

HI my app is bitcode enabled and its showing error while exporting the app as wowza sdk is not compiled with bitcode enable.

Does Wowza supports bitcode enabled app? What is work around to get this work with bitcode enabled

Below is the error for reference

description = “ipatool failed with an exception: #<CmdSpec::NonZeroExcitException: Command exited with pid 17830 exit 1:\n/Applications/ -v -t /Applications/ --sdk /Applications/ -o /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-out/armv7/Payload/ --generate-dsym /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-out/armv7/Payload/ --strip-swift-symbols /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-in/armv7/Payload/\nStdout:\n Debug: SDK path: /Applications/\n Debug: PATH: [’/Applications/’, ‘/Applications/’]\n Debug: Using: /Applications/\n MachoInfo: cd /\n “/Applications/” “-info” “/var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-in/armv7/Payload/”\n -= Output =-\n Non-fat file: /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-in/armv7/Payload/ is architecture: armv7\n Exited with 0\n \n Debug: Command took 0 seconds\n Debug: Using: /Applications/\n GetUUID: cd /\n “/Applications/” “-u” “/var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-in/armv7/Payload/”\n -= Output =-\n UUID: 0BBCBEFE-FD42-3F16-A244-FD7BF9DD3EDC (armv7) /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-in/armv7/Payload/\n Exited with 0\n \n Debug: Command took 0 seconds\n Debug: Using: /Applications/\n ExtractXAR: cd /\n “/Applications/” “/var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/ipatool20190527-5396-1a8p7cc/thinned-in/armv7/Payload/” “-extract” “__LLVM” “__bundle” “/var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/WowzaGoCoderSDKuKqnmx/WowzaGoCoderSDK.armv7.xar”\n -= Output =-\n Exited with 0\n \n Debug: Command took 0 seconds\n Debug: Bitcode bundle version: 1.0\n Debug: Setting platform to: iOS\n Debug: Using: /Applications/\n Debug: Using: /Applications/\n Clang: cd /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/temp9D68ek\n “/Applications/” “-cc1” “-triple” “thumbv7-apple-ios8.1.0” “-emit-obj” “-disable-llvm-passes” “-target-abi” “apcs-gnu” “-mfloat-abi” “soft” “-Os” “-mllvm” “-arm-bitcode-compatibility” “-mllvm” “-fast-isel=0” “-x” “ir” “01” “-o” “01.o”\n -= Output =-\n Exited with 0\n \n Debug: Command took 0 seconds\n error: Clang: cd /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/temp9D68ek\n “/Applications/” “-cc1” “-triple” “thumbv7-apple-ios8.1.0” “-emit-obj” “-disable-llvm-passes” “-target-abi” “apcs-gnu” “-mfloat-abi” “soft” “-Os” “-mllvm” “-arm-bitcode-compatibility” “-mllvm” “-fast-isel=0” “-x” “ir” “02” “-o” “02.o”\n -= Output =-\n Intrinsic has incorrect argument type!\n void (i8*, i8, i32, i1)* @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32\n fatal error: error in backend: Broken module found, compilation aborted!\n Exited with 70\n \n \n error: Failed to compile bundle: /var/folders/fp/8xs1zzrx2jj70vrbkzbrkvj1ts3q47/T/WowzaGoCoderSDKuKqnmx/WowzaGoCoderSDK.armv7.xar\n \n\nStderr:\n\n>\n /Applications/ run'\n /Applications/ block in CompileOrStripBitcodeInBundle’\n /Applications/ each'\n /Applications/ CompileOrStripBitcodeInBundle’\n /Applications/ ProcessIPA'\n /Applications/ '”;

Hello @Nanda Ballabh, we did add this feature in a previous SDK release:

1.0.3. build 565- The x86 code strips of the fat-binary SDK files are now built with bitcode enabled, which should enable you to build bitcode-compliant apps with Wowza GoCoder SDK.

  1. Are you using the latest version of our iOS SDK?

  2. Have you checked your version of XCode? We require Xcode version 8.

Please let me know- thanks.

@Rose Power-Wowza Community Manager Thanks you for reply.

  1. Are you using the latest version of our iOS SDK? Yes using gocoder-sdk-ios-build-1079-v1.7.0

  2. Have you checked your version of XCode? We require Xcode version 8. I am on Xcode version 10.1

Also i think 1.0.3. build 565 is very old build so we can’t use that build

Are you guys planing to enable bitcode in latest version as this can be very helpful for bit enabled apps

It’s my understanding that it is enabled by default in all versions since we added it in 1.0.3, but due to your information, I am going to check with the SDK team today and let you know. I’ll respond shortly and thanks for your patience.

We do support bitcode and it is enabled by default @Nanda Ballabh.

Bitcode is enabled for iOS - an example xcode build line : xcodebuild -project ${PROJECT} -target WowzaGoCoder -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode

If you are seeing errors, please submit a support ticket and we can take a look at your config and logs.