Wowza Community

Current DVR time tried to move backwards

I am currently getting this error in my logs for WSE-4.7.7: DvrStreamStoreBase.changeCurrentTime[live/definst/office3.stream_160p/office3.stream_160p.0] : Current DVR time tried to move backwards. Ignored new time. Old time=6451381. New time=6450389

What does this error mean?
Comment if you need more logs or information.

Java 1.8, Ubuntu 16.04

Thank you for opening a support ticket on this.

That error can be found in our nDVR troubleshooting article.

From the article:

comment    server    WARN   Current DVR time tried to move backwards.  Ignored new time.  Old time=422310.  New time=0.
WARN server comment - DvrPacketHandler.handlePacket[live/_definst_/]: Timecode out of order [audio]: 8166079375 : 8166079384

Cause: There is a problem with the encoder sending packets with odd packet times. nDVR reports the issue, but can’t fix it.

This can be network related or encoder related.