Wowza Community

I want to prevent the wowza server from starting automatically when the Linux server restarts.

I want to prevent the wowza server from starting automatically when the Linux server restarts.

When I install the wowza streaming engine server, it asks if wowza should be started automatically when the server is restarted. I chose yes then, but now I want to change the setting to no. I can not find any way. Which part should I change?

Hi @sunny park, it depends a bit on which Linux distro you’re using, but many newer distro version will allow you to enter the following commands on the console:

$ sudo systemctl disable WowzaStreamingEngine
$ sudo systemctl disable WowzaStreamingEngineManager

If that doesn’t work for you, then post your Linux distro and version here.

linux centOS 6.10 !!


If the systemctl is not supported by this version of centOS, you could rename the startup services within the current runlevel. For instance if you’re running in command line mode run level 3, the files could be renamed similar to this:

mv /etc/rc3.d/S80WowzaStreamingEngine /etc/rc3.d/K80WowzaStreamingEngine
mv /etc/rc3.d/S80WowzaStreamingEngineManager /etc/rc3.d/K80WowzaStreamingEngineManager

After a restart, this should prevent these services from automatically restarting.

Best regards,