Wowza Community

nDVR conversion to MP4 failing


I am trying to convert a single nDVR store using the REST API both with and without start/end parameters. When I query DVR converter status shortly after submitting the request, the state is SUCCESSFUL, but the result is a 160 byte file called .partial.mp4. Here’s what the converter status looks like:

{ “serverName”: “defaultServer”, “dvrStoreName”: “”, “DvrConverterStore”: { “dvrStoreName”: “”, “audioAvailable”: true, “videoAvailable”: true, “isLive”: false, “dvrStartTime”: 20483412, “dvrEndTime”: 22307100, “duration”: 1823688, “utcStart”: 1564001665995, “utcEnd”: 1564003489671, “outputFilename”: null, “conversionStatus”: { “storeName”: “”, “fileName”: “/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/”, “state”: “SUCCESSFUL”, “statusCode”: “NONE”, “errorStrings”: [], “startTime”: 1563995848811, “endTime”: 1563995849020, “duration”: 209, “currentChunk”: 0, “chunkCount”: 887, “fileSize”: 0, “fileDuration”: 0 } }}

I looked at the access and error logs and didn’t see anything indicating a problem.

Any ideas?



Hi @Alex Lynch that is odd behavior. Our engineers would like you to submit a support ticket so they can try and replicate the issue with it storing that small partial file. They’d like to take a closer look. Sorry we just can’t tell without full access to your config.