Wowza Community

Wowza crashes at 4k users and uses all ram

Hi, We use Wowza for transcoding HLS. Our Wowza running on centos 7 and OpenJDK JRE 8.x crashes if 4k users are trying to watch Livestream, the RAM gets full, my questions:

1- My personal experience oracle JDK is better than OpenJDDK, should we try to run wowza on the latest oracle jdk?

2- My personal experience with FFmpeg, I used to use celery + rabbitQM to schedule encoding. Should I use them with Wowza to reduce memory usage?

3- I never used Wowza but the CTO told me that he contacted Wowza support and they optimized the settings to the max, still there’s no way for Wowza to handle more than 4k users, we need to handle at least 15k in beta and 200k users in live version, did anyone manage to run Wowza at that scale?

The answer @Elie Obeid, is it depends on the bitrates for the streams and also how much you are transcoding, because that is very CPU intensive. There is a post an official Wowza consultant answered in full detail regarding all your questions. We try to keep all the accepted answers to certain questions in one post so it is easier for people to find when they search.

It can be found here:

Be sure to also check out this blog on the right hardware for certain number of connections.