Wowza Community

Does Wowza SDK plan to handle Multi Camera in Android 9.0 and iOS?


With the new smartphone like Samsung S10 and iphone 11, when have now multi camera on the back.

Do you plan to add the capabilities with your sdk to swith between the different back camera ?

if yes when ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi Jeremie,

You can detect then set the active camera you would like to use. I haven’t tried with a multi-camera setup on the back yet, but feel free to give it a try and let us know how it goes!

Thank you, I have to find someone with the last android and iphone.

I let you know then :slight_smile:

Ok I test to change camera with a Samsung A50, and …

It doesn’t work…

I get the 2 front camera et 1 back camera (the classqiue one…)

I can’t have acces to the wide-angle.

It seems normal as i read on the net. Only the last Samsung S10 let you acces to the wide-angle if your app integrate the Samsung SDK.

Do you know if you plan to do that on the new Android SDK release ?

Ok I see what happen :

Prior to API level 29, all returned IDs are guaranteed to be returned by CameraManager.getCameraIdList(), and can be opened directly by CameraManager.openCamera(). Starting from API level 29, for each of the returned ID, if it’s also returned by CameraManager.getCameraIdList(), it can be used as a standalone camera by CameraManager.openCamera(). Otherwise, the camera ID can only be used as part of the current logical camera.

So I need to wait to have a smartphone with android 10 and multi camera to test this functionality :slight_smile:

I heard that Galaxy S10 are on Android 10 now. if some one can test :slight_smile: