Wowza Community

Conect amazon - cloud wowza

I am a beginner. is it possible to connect amazon web with wowza cloud?

Cheers Javier

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hello @javier vadagnel, you can upload your stream recordings from Wowza Streaming Cloud to an AWS instance if you wanted to, but as far as connecting, do you mean in order to scale and deliver the stream? Wowza Streaming Cloud is already a fully hosted cloud and CDN service. Customers usually use Streaming Engine and then deploy to AWS, but not through Cloud.

Can you explain a bit more of why you may be looking to accomplish? Thanks.

My problem is that when using the Player Embed Code on my own website it falls. she has 30 simultaneous viewers with 30 HD views

My problem is that when using the Player Embed Code on my own website it falls. she has 30 simultaneous viewers with 30 HD views.

I am about to hire this server plan. I don’t know if it’s correct

These are the limits of the business plan 30 GB disk space.

Inodes - 400000 post_max_size, upload_max_filesize (MB) - 256 php_memory_limit (MB) - 500 max_execution_time, max_input_time (s) - 240 IO - 1024 Entry Processes (EP) - 30 Physical Memory (PMEM, GB) - 1 100 email accounts per domain.

Ok yes, that is a lot of bandwidth and memory processing power needed for 30 HD streams. Let me run your settings by an engineer and see what they suggest. Be back shortly @javier vadagnel.

That will not be enough to support your 30 HD streams according the the engineers. The suggestion is to reach out to and they can offer you some suggestions on potential options to support this and the pricing.