Wowza Community

limitare Byte in

ciao a tutti, sto provando questo meraviglioso programma, volevo sapere come limitare i Byte in : dei miei encoder massimo a 1MEGA , come posso fare ? grazie.

Hello @ciccio profumato, due to a language barrier, would you able to repost in English and share more information on what you are hoping to accomplish in your streaming workflow? Thank you and I will watch for your post.

Also, what encoder are you using? You are trying to limit the bitrate going to the encoder or from the encoder to Wowza? I tried to translate your question in Google translate, but it may not have done so correctly.

thanks for your answer, i want to limit encoder to Wowza

Here are some encoder settings/guidelines we recommend. Even though it is article for StreamingCloud, it still applies to Engine and video encoding over all.

If you need more advice with the specific encoder you are using, you’ll need to let me know what you are using please. Thanks @ciccio profumato.

ciao, purtroppo ancora non ho capito dove limitare l’encoder in entrata su wowza, puoi aiutarmi con un esempio , in quale menu’ lo trovo ?