Wowza Community

Automatic purging of log files with WowzaDailyRollingFileAppender


is there finally a built-in way to purge old log files with the WowzaDailyRollingFileAppender? There is no option to do this in the documentation and “log4j.appender.serverAccess.MaxBackupIndex=20” does not work with WowzaDailyRollingFileAppender.

Does everyone still has to write an external cron job / logrotate script to do this simple job?

Kind regards

Thanks for the honest question @Michael Reul. The method you have described is still the current solution. It was brought to the attention today of the engineers and we now have this on the roadmap for a future release, but no ETA. I appreciate you posting about it so we can add it as a feature request.

topic helped me, thanks


If anybody needs it, here is a quick solution to delete all wowza logfiles older than 5 days via cronjob:

# Purge Wowza Logfiles older than 20 days:
echo "0 8 * * * root find /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/logs/wowzastreamingengine_* -type f -mtime +5 -exec rm -f {} \;" > /etc/cron.d/purge-wowza-log-files