Wowza Community

The ModuleRefererValidate module working only over HTTP?

Secure access, Control access to application by checking referer domain with a Wowza Streaming Engine Java module. And everything works very well. Unable to start stream directly, e.g. VLC. This is good, it works. Unfortunately, only via HTTP.

But there was a problem: the instruction gives the address after the HTTP:

It is not possible to use this -checking referer domain with a Wowza Streaming Engine Java module- along with ???

Do you have any solution for this? Simple.

What should you configure to work after HTTPS?


  1. Use SSL port in the image url,

  2. add HTTPProvider under 443 section.

This will add the HTTPProvider to the SSL port.

We’ve noted this as something we need to clarify in our documentation and will plan to get this fixed. Sorry for the confusion.