Wowza Community

Support for Akamai Analytics in the Streaming Cloud REST API

We distribute our Windows Streaming Cloud live content by streaming through the Akamai CDN. We use the REST API 1.3 “network/stream_targets” endpoint to retrieve delivery statistics.

But all of the Streaming Cloud versions after 1.3 – i.e. 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 (beta) – only seem to return analytics for the Fastly CDN, via the “usage/stream_targets” endpoint.

Does this mean that, once 1.3 is sunset, it will not be possible to retrieve delivery statistics for the Akamai CDN? If Akamai remains an option for distribution via the Streaming Cloud, I think Wowza has to provide a way to retrieve distribution information with current versions of the API.

Could someone from Wowza clarify this situation? Thank you.

I’ve asked our Cloud team to help clarify this for you.

Robert, good to hear Akamai API support will become part of the current API versions. Thank you for the information.

Hi Mark,

You are correct, and currently, you need to use API 1.3 to retrieve statistics for Akamai streams. I know this blocks you from being able to take advantage of the new features in the later APIs, and I apologize for the inconvenience. We are, however, working to close this gap.

This difference is due to an architectural change that greatly improves the efficiently of our data processing for these metrics, but that we have not yet applied to Akamai. The good news is that the architecture was designed to handle data from any source, and we’re planning to add the capability for Akamai soon. Doing so will close this gap retroactively, so the data will be available through all of 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.

I hope this helps!