Wowza Community

Inputting an RTP Stream Into Wowza?

I have a device that is publishing a video stream. This device uses GStreamer from the command line of the device, where you specify the client IP and port in the GStreamer command parameters. For example, let’s say the IP and port specified in the GStreamer command is

After starting the GStreamer command, I open VLC on my local machine, which is on the same network as the streaming device. In VLC, I go to the “Media” pulldown menu, select “Open Network Stream” and enter in the network URL of “rtp://” and press “Play” and I can view the video stream being published from the device. All is good.

Now, what I don’t understand is how to get the device’s input stream into Wowza. So far, with Wowza, I’ve only been able to input into Wowza by using an ffmpeg command from the command line like this (let’s say my Wowza server is running on a machine with the IP Address of

ffmpeg -stream_loop 1 -re -i sample.mp4 -c copy -f flv rtmp://

With the aforementioned “device”, using a client IP and port as “” in the GStreamer command line parameters won’t work. Wowza see’s no input stream.

Any idea how I can get this device’s input stream into Wowza?

hmmm…yes we’ve had some customers have issues with GStreamer, but your ticket will go to the engineer that has worked on some solutions for that. Thank you for submitting a ticket and sorry I couldn’t help more!

Thanks, Rose. I think the problem is that GStreamer will not take a destination URL but just wants an IP and port as the client. I’m not seeing anything in the documentation links helping with this, so I went ahead and submitted a ticket.

As long as you have an encoder that is able to publish an rtp/rtsp stream, you can send it to wowza using the url

This article may help you understand the different IP address settings for RTP/RTSP and which one to use.

I’d also suggest this next doc which may be useful as well if you’d like to test an RTSP stream using our sample vod just to understand the setup.

Feel free to submit a support ticket if you like an engineer to walk you through it so you can successfully stream.