Wowza Community

Live recording file interrupt when going to next chunk

Hi dear,

I use wowza pluging for record live stream. I use ffmpeg or another tools for making 1 file from chunks which i got from liverecord plugin (chunk is set to 20 sec). And I see issue that video interrupt, freeze on half second when it going to next chunk.

Is it possible to got incessant file? W/o any interruption between chunks?


Hello there.

Please confirm that you are concatenating segmented recordings into a single file. And if so, are these segments from the same live stream?

If this is the case, and the segments are recorded from the same source stream, it should play back smoothly.

What version of FFmpeg are you using? And are you using the directions for concatenating files found here

Testing with FFmpeg version# 1.2.6-7:1.2-6-1-trusty1, following the FFmpeg tutorial provided above with 20 second segments, produced a smooth playback.

Kind regards,


Next thing to try would be to add this property to the container at the end of the [install-dir]/conf/[application]/Application.xml file:


That one change may fix the issue. If not you might have to try different fps / key-frame interval combinations.

Kind regards,


Hi Salvadore,

I used

ffmpeg version N-69531-g77f326d Copyright © 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers

built with gcc 4.9.2 (GCC)

dir > mylist.txt

this is a comment

file ‘myStream_t11_2015-02-04-’

file ‘myStream_t11_2015-02-04-’

file ‘myStream_t11_2015-02-04-’

ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4

I uploaded files here:

Or google drive:

it’s split by 20 sec and you can see problem first and second 20 sec.

  1. 20 sec -screen freeze

  2. 40 sec -screen jump

I added original file

I stream it to wowza via ffmpeg

~/bin/ffmpeg -re -i /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.0.6/content/test1.mp4 -strict -2 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f rtsp rtsp://

I have following setting in live record application:

That one change may fix the issue. If not you might have to try different fps / key-frame interval combinations.

Hi Salvadore,

I used keyframe flag and also added -g 200 options to ffmpeg. Now It’s more good, but issue still exist.

Do you know any good settng for fps / key-frame interval?