Wowza Community

SSL Setup docs not correct


im setting up ssl on the wowza server and im following

there is no such hostport located in the vhost.xml

IS there a uptodate doc somewhere?

od can u guide me what todo from Configuring a to use the Certificate

do i need to add it in virtual host setop

ssl path /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.4.1/conf/

with keystore pass


This will be better handled with a support request so that we can further review the certificate and configuration files.

Please log in to your Wowza Account Portal and submit a support request. Please include a zipped /conf folder, /logs folder, and ensure the certificate is in there as well. Also, please reference this forum thread.



this is my own ssl cert btw, not a streamlock one

if i set a admin with port 443



wont load… im out of ideas atm

tried alot shows : Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Developer Edition (Expires: Sep 03, 2016) 4.4.1 build17882