Wowza Community

Compile Wowza HTTP Provider class

I am using a old wowza version and need a plugin to get the new detailed connections.

The class is the in the first box on

Please send message with the price for this job.

My Wowza version is 2.2x

Hello there.

Are you seeking a paid consultant for this project? If so you need to post this request to the find a consultant forum.



I think its best to ask that question in the other forum boards. this is the showcase area. If you’re asking for a price you indeed have to go to the consultant forum. From what i know from version 2 it doesnt have support of rtsp logs in the http provider

I see that this request was copied to the find a consultant page. Thanks

I am going to remove this post from the showcase section now.


Yes and no.

I dont know how to compile the example class of the HTTP-Provider to get full connections logs. My Wowza 2 only showing the RTMP clients on /serverinfo, and I need the others like RTSP and clients connected from playlist .m3u8

If somebody can help-me compiling the class.