Wowza Community

Black fill on letterbox fit mode

Hi there,

This is from the encoding preset configuration info on my transcoder template:

“letterbox. Maintains the aspect ratio of the source video and scales to fit the destination frame size (Width and Height) with black bars to fill empty space.”

Is there any way I can I have a transparent color instead of the black filling ?


I am not sure what you are trying to do, but maybe this will meet your requirements:

How to add graphic overlays to live streams with Wowza Transcoder



As far as I am aware, and I didn’t see any mention in the docs either, there is no way to change the fill color in this case.



This is not about overlaying image on the transcoded stream.

My problem is that when the live stream is transcoded to another aspect ratio, then the Transcoder will fill empty space with black color (if fit mode is “letterbox”). What I’m asking is if it’s possible to fill with clear transparent color (e.g. white color with transparency set 100%).