Wowza Community

About webrtc and ndvr

I’m working on wowza WebrTC and nDVR, and I want to ask a few questions:

1: Wowza’s Webrtc supports nDVR?

2: If you use nDVR?Does HLS protocol support nDVR?

3: There is no open source player to support nDVR, recommend it, thank you

There is no DVR/WebRTC option at this time in Engine, but you can accomplish DVR playback in Streaming Cloud where we support incoming webrtc stream with HLS playback.

With the new announcements of Wowza in webRTC, can we ask this question again? Can we ingest webRTC and transcode to HLS using WSE 4.8 or later ? If so can we enable nDVR on the origin application ?

Did you see this article.

also take a look at this forums post @Michael_Williams:

YES, you can configure DVR for WebRTC > HLS in Engine.