Wowza Community

Announcing: DRM Technology and MPEG-DASH Support in Wowza Streaming Cloud

Announcing: DRM Technology and MPEG-DASH Support in Wowza Streaming Cloud Today, we’re announcing two new features in Wowza streaming Cloud that customers can start taking advantage of immediately.

Protect your valuable content from unauthorized viewing

No longer only available in Wowza Streaming Engine, Wowza Streaming Cloud’s DRM technology protects your video from unauthorized copying or re-distribution and limits viewership to only the intended devices and consumers. By leveraging DRM technology in Wowza Streaming Cloud, you can easily integrate EZDRM, a third-party digital rights management (DRM) service, to obtain and manage your encryption keys.
With Wowza’s DRM technology, you get the full feature set of studio-approved DRMs — including Google Widevine, Microsoft PlayReady, and Apple FairPlay (FPS) — with the scale-on-demand power of a hosted solution.

Deliver your video at the best quality possible using MPEG-DASH

Deliver your content to as many devices, browsers, and platforms as possible with the open-standard HTTP-based streaming protocol. Ensure your video is delivered at the best quality possible via adaptive bitrate streaming, and rest assured that your content is protected from unauthorized copying or redistribution with support from Wowza Streaming Cloud’s DRM technology. With MPEG-DASH, you can scale smarter by cost-effectively deploying and streaming to a CDN to grow your audience


Ready to get started?

DRM technology is now enabled with your Wowza Streaming Cloud account. Learn how to use the API to set up the EZDRM integration here:

About DRM in Wowza Streaming Cloud
Watch Tutorial Using Widevine and PlayReady
Watch Tutorial Using Fairplay

If you’d like assistance with setup, Professional Services is also available to help. Contact 720.279.8163 or schedule a call.

For more information about using MPEG-DASH visit:

Learn how to enable MPEG-DASH in the UI
Learn how to enable MPEG-DASH in the API

If you’re having issues or want to discuss these new features, please don’t hesitate to contact your account specialist or visit Wowza’s Community.