Wowza Community

Custom Module does not work in 4.8.9

We have a custom module that does not work after updating to 4.8.9. We are pretty certain it is a Java compatibility issue, whereby jdk-12.0.1 needs to be updated when compiling the module? What version of the JDK is required in 4.8.9 for the modules to work? Can we use something offered by Red Hat to by pass paid licensing? Java is not my strong suit, sorry.

Wowza Streaming Engine version 4.7.8 and later requires OpenJDK Java SE JRE 9.0.4 at a minimum, but supports up to Java version 12. Earlier versions of Java aren’t supported. Previous versions of Wowza Streaming Engine (version 4.7.7) required Java 8.

So by Default Engine supports Java 9, but can be configured to support 9-12.

Once you do an update to 4.8.9, you do need to point Engine to the version of Java you are using like Java 12 and we explain how to do that in this doc.

We also made this clear in the 4.8.9 updater doc:

Second paragraph… in case you missed it.

If you’re still having issues though with the Java in 4.8.9, please send us a support ticket Rich so we can take a closer look why that is. Sometimes there could be a port, firewall or IP address issue, so we can help you if the info I posted above doesn’t help.

We have WSE 4.8.9 up and running without issue running Java 9.0.4. Our question is about a module that we are building locally on a windows workstation via Eclipse. We are Java challenged, can you share a link to the OpenJDK that is needed to build our existing module so that it is compatible in 4.8.9. Thanks!