Wowza Community

Custom module to create single frame snapshots of live and VOD stream

Richard, could you please tell me how to implement this timer to the IMediaStreamActionNotify? The snapshots now work after the event is dispatched but I cannot seem to figure out how to make the Timer class work.


It is here first page of this post.

Some forum posts like this have multiple pages, there are numered links to all the pages on top and bottom.


JW player recent versions are Actionscript 3 and that snip is Actionscript 2.

It should be something like this:

private function snapshot():void


var resultObj:Object = new Object();

resultObj.onResult = function(fileName:String):void


trace("result: "+fileName);

}“createSnapshotLive”, null, new Responder(resultObj.onResult));




Without some input from a user, it would have to be done on a timer.

But have you tried it with FMLE? If you know the name of the stream and you are connected to the same application, calling this function from Flash app while FMLE is publishing should work.


Yes, you can setup the IMediaStreamActionNotify interface, then use onPublish event handler to start a timer on the server. The timer would run the snapshot code instead of user action from Flash app.


Java Timer:


Take a look at this example:


Wowza normally records with .flv extension, unless you using “mp4:” prefix in the stream name.

I don’t know the answer to the ffmpeg question.


To record this kind of stream to mp4 container, you would use “mp4:” prefix with the stream name in Stream Manager.

If you don’t use mp4: prefiix Wowza will record to flv container with .flv extension.

It would be better to use the mp4: prefix so Wowza records to mp4 container.


The Wowza recording will have an .mp4 extension.

JW Player can play videos with mp4 or m4v extension. You should use the mp4: prefix in the “file” Flashvar.


Here is an example of iterating over the files in the content folder:

The ffmpeg command has to run on the server. So you would have to install ffmpeg on the server.

You could initiate from the client with, for example:“doFiles”);

You have to create an appllcation module with a “doFiles” method that iterates over the files in content folder and runs ffmpeg.


To call a function from a client with a netconnection, you have to use a Flash application. There is a great working reference for this in the Wowza install-dir example folder: ServerSideModules. This includes a Flash application and server-side module and shows just about every way to communicate and pass data between Flash and Wowza.

To interface with Wowza from an application server like .net using a server page like aspx, you need a HTTProvider. This is a good starting place for that:

There are other HTTProviders that might be useful reference in the same forum section:


I showed you the example we have for that already, “ModuleVideoNameList” This one:


This is an AS3 version. If you are using Flex, you an use the Bindable ArrayCollection with a ComboBox. In Flash CS you can change it to an Array"getVideoNames",new Responder(videoNamesHandler));
privat var recordedStreamsDP = new ArrayCollection();
private function videoNamesHandler(results:Object):void
for( var item:String in results ) 
	var obj:ObjectProxy = new ObjectProxy(); // In Flex use ObjectProxy to populate Bindable ArrayCollection.
	obj.label = results[item];
	obj.value = item;

This should work in Flash AS3 or AS2:

var result:Object = new Object();
result.onResult = function(results:Object)
  for( var item:String in results ) 
}"getVideoNames", result);


You can’t use an Application module with .net. You can use a HTTProvider or a Web Service. But this code could be made to work in a HTTProvider and output xml instead of returning an object. You would have to tell it what application is involved.

Since you will be passing data in, start with this post:

And since you will be building xml output, you can look at this post for reference:


I really don’t have that exact thing. These are all the pieces, you just have to mix them together. The IDE has a Wizard for creating a new HTTProvider. The code in that module will work in a HTTProvider, except that where the Application is part of the context of a Module you will have to pass in the Application name and get a reference to it, there are examples of that in the HTTProvider examples.

Looks like I pasted in the wrong example for the 2nd link. I meant to give you this one:


If you mean a snapshot of a stream as in that post, that’s what we have for that purpose.


You can create an HTTProvider version of this application module.

You need the IDE:

It would take some understanding of Wowza Application module and HTTProviders. There is a pretty good example of an HTTProvider version of an application Module in the LiveStreamRecord addon


Looking at the code, I think it will, but the output will be one frame flv.


No, I am pretty sure that is not possible.


However, on the camera side, try setting key frame interval to 60, and the FPS to 30. Then you will have a key frame every 2 seconds
