Wowza Community

Difference between time based manifest and number based manifest in DASH?

Difference between time based manifest and number based manifest in DASH? does wowza support this option ?

A lot of the answers to the questions you’re posting can be found by you doing some research in our docs. All you need to do is use the search bar at the top of the wowza website page and an article related to your question will appear. These answers can also be found with a quick google search as well. Here’s some info to get you started.

How the MPEG-DASH segmenter properties work

The audio and video packets from a live encoder enter Wowza Streaming Engine and are segmented into chunks based on time. The duration of each segment is controlled by the mpegdashSegmentDurationTarget property. Segments are added to the available segment list as they’re created. The maximum number of items stored in the list is controlled by the mpegdashMaxSegmentCount property. When an MPEG-DASH client requests a stream, Wowza Streaming Engine provides a manifest that contains the n most recently added segments. The number of items returned in the manifest, n , is controlled by the mpegdashPlaylistSegmentCount property.

Just a bit clarification on what i asked.
1)which is more beneficial timed based or number based manifest ?
2)any complications at players end ?
3)Does Wowza support both ?