Wowza Community

How do I embed Wowza into Wordpress video posts?

I’m using Wordpress and need to know how I can embed videos running on Wowza. Is there a simple embed code I can use? Similar to this one?

<embed src="http://_____/player.swf" width="973" height="380" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=380&width=973&file=http://______/sample.flv&image=http://_______preview.gif&backcolor=0D0D0D&frontcolor=0xA7A7A7&lightcolor=0xA7A7A7&screencolor=0x000000&searchbar=false" />

I’m using JWplayer and that’s the code I’m using for my Wordpress video posts through their “custom fields”.

How do I create a similar embed code w/ Wowza?