Wowza Community

How much Is Wowza streaming player compatible using React Native?

How much Is Wowza streaming player compatible using React Native?

Yes it is compatible @Darshan Zite, but we are in the process of creating the library docs for this. We currently have a Get Started guide for Android SDK and GoCoder which you can find here:

Hi Rose,

We are trying to get Wowza player working on React native.

Have you completed the process of creating the library docs mentioned above? If yes, where can we access them?

The npmjs link says it is 7 months old.

React Native and WowzaGoCoder is compatible to use together. The platform can be utilized both Android and iOS devices. Wowza GoCoder installation is available for android using react-native. integration also takes less time. I am also looking forward to create an application for my project on help documents at

react-native-wowza-gocoder is not up to date. Use this fork instead. If you’re using the 1.8 sdk, you’re going to have to update the dependencies yourself.

Thank you for sharing this.

We are working on a Wowza supported React Native wrapper, but no ETA yet.

Hello Team,

We are using in our react native application. But it is not compatible with react native version 0.59.9

undefined is not an object(evaluating '_react.default.PropTypes.string')

Could you please let us know about that ?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello @Nilesh Pal, unfortunately, that is not a React Native wrapper we created nor support. Wowza does not offer any React Native technical support at this time. Your best bet is to ask in Stack Overflow where I have seen many people discussing integration with our SDK.

Take a look at this post:

Hello @Nilesh Pal, unfortunately, that is not a React Native wrapper we created nor support. Wowza does not offer any React Native technical support at this time. Your best bet is to ask in Stack Overflow where I have seen many people discussing integration with our SDK.

Take a look at this post: