Wowza Community

How to get GoCoder License key for android and ios application id?

I am developing android and ios video streaming app now.

I would like to know how to get gocoder sdk license key and set hostname , port and etc.

Hello @Victory Piao, there are many ways on our website to get the free SDK and we have several tutorials and docs on how to get started. You need the free SDK and either Streaming Cloud or Streaming Engine to stream. There are free trials for Engine and Cloud.


Here are some tutorials on how to download the SDK and set host name etc for the sample app which is where you should start:

  1. To stream with the SDK and Streaming Engine:

  1. To stream with the SDK and Streaming Cloud:

Once you have practiced with the sample and tested a live stream, you can build your own app here:



Also, have the same issue I can’t find out where to generate the license keys for iOS and Android and these comments are useless, did they even read the question?


I can understand the frustration, but we have announced the end of sale of our Wowza GoCoder SDK, and no longer generate license keys for that product. For more information, please see this post -

How can I get the Gocoder key for iOS?

I’m sorry, but but those keys are no longer available. Wowza announced it will be discontinuing the GoCoder back in April 2020. We stopped issuing keys at that time.