Wowza Community

Is Wowza compatible with the Z-CAM 360 camera?

We have the latest Lenovo gaming laptop, reccommedned by Z-CAM. Is Wowza the solution for us looking to stream LIVE 360 video from an event?

Yes Wowza does support 360 cameras through Streaming Engine or
Streaming Cloud. For video soure, we can accept RTMP or RTSP once it has been stitched. You can learn more here:

[](http://Yes Wowza does support 360 cameras through Streaming Engine or Streaming Cloud. For video soure, we can accept RTMP or RTSP once it has been stitched. You can learn more here:

Here is a use case example of a client streaming an event with a 360 camera:

Great news, thank you for your response.

I’m having trouble connecting Wonderlive’s video feed to Wowza. Video source and transcoder- RTMP? Have i used the correct RTMP or Stream/Source URL?

Your help is appreciated, thank you.

Hello @Richie Johnston, I apologize, I do not have a doc to share for that particular 360 platform, but if you submit a support ticket, we will direct you to an engineer who could assist you through that setup.