Wowza Community

Java API Appears to be broken in 4.8

When I add a module I cannot connect any streams. The module being added is the one generated by the Wowza Eclipse plug-in - really does not do anything. I get this error: REST API: Unknown action: connect Class: java.lang.reflect.In

vocationTargetException|at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)|at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMet

hodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)|at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)|at java.base/java.lang.r

eflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)|at|at

21)|at|at org.restlet.resource.ServerResource

.doHandle(|at org.restlet.resource.ServerResource.doNegotiatedHandle(|at org.restlet.resource.ServerR

esource.doConditionalHandle(|at org.restlet.resource.ServerResource.handle(|at org.restlet.resource.

Finder.handle(|at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(|at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(|

Any ideas what is going on?

I solved the issue - disregard

Good to hear @Tim_McClure1, if you happen to have time to share how you resolved it, that would be great, but if not, glad it’s working for you now.

It appears that although Wowza supports Java versions 9-12 if you write a jar using their API it needs to be built in Java 9. Java 9 is no longer supported but the Eclipse IDE allows for the targeting of a specific Java version event if the JVM your are running is not that version. Right click on the Eclipse Wowza project and select Java 9.